Nude photos of celebrities such as, Kate Upton, Avril Lavigne and Jennifer Lawrence, were recently put on various places on the web. Most look at these stars as if they did something wrong by taking these pictures in their own private homes. Can these women please catch a break with this so called 'Scandal?' As these women would agree with the link above that they can't get privacy. Is this really a scandal or a sex crime?
In the article made famous by Scott Mendelson, "Jennifer Lawrence Nude Photo Leak Isn't A 'Scandal.' It's A Sex Crime.", talked about how actress Jennifer Lawrence nude body was exposed to the world. Mendelson said, "The story itself should not be addressed as if it were a scandal, but rather what it is: A sex crime involving theft of personal property and the exploitation of the female body.", stating that Jennifer Lawrence should not have been exposed and frowned upon, but instead the exposer should be in huge trouble for getting into her privacy like that. Scott thinks that any women whether it be a celebrity or a regular citizen should not be exploited like that but that we should instead raise awareness that it is a crime to invade people's privacy.
Furthermore in my own opinion I believe that Mr. Mendelson is absolutely right for standing up for Jennifer Lawrence and any other women that has been exploited. I also agree that it's not the victims fault but the victimizer who should be in serious trouble with the law for this crime. Lawrence is a human just like most of us and privacy should be kept exactly what it is 'Private'. I also agree with Scott in the fact that it is unwise to put nudes on your phone in this generation because you can't be safe with anything you put on a piece of technology, but it's still none of mine or anyone's business. Women deserve their right to be private and not frowned upon for something that she didn't want us to see in the first place. She probably is already upset about it being put on the internet and to be categorized a scandal is complete bull crap. The level of childishness that has been displayed in these photos should even be a discussion on who's the one who should be punished.
In conclusion to this crime and any other sex crime should not be frowned upon as if it's the victims fault but as if it's the one who exposes. Mendelson's article shows us exactly why this is so true. Jennifer Lawrence need no explanation nor apology to justify her photos but instead help to stop this crime against women
In conclusion to this crime and any other sex crime should not be frowned upon as if it's the victims fault but as if it's the one who exposes. Mendelson's article shows us exactly why this is so true. Jennifer Lawrence need no explanation nor apology to justify her photos but instead help to stop this crime against women